marți, 17 iunie 2014

Statusuri in engleza de dragoste

statusuri in engleza de dragosteCateva statusuri in engleza de dragoste. Pentru ca aceste statusuri in engleza love sunt folosite de multa lume. Statusuri de dragoste puteti lua de aici.
Sunteti indragostiti si vreti sa toata lumea sa stie?Sau vreti sa va puneti la mess niste statusuri in engleza de dragoste?Iata ca va pot oferi eu cateva idei

  • What a grand thing, to be loved! What a grander thing still, to love!

  • I looked at a flower and thought it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen till I met you. Love u baby!

  • There are a million stars and a million dreams, you are the only star for me, the only dream i dream!

  • So when our time on earth,once again comes to a close have no worries my dear for we will find each other again,and again and again. I love you!

  • Will u be my butterfly?Cuz I need wings
Si inca cateva statusuri in engleza de dragoste

  • Your warmth and kindness brightened my day. Truly, you're an angel with wings of white, because you made my worries take flight!

  • Dear, If you put me to choose from my life and you... I will choose the life, and you will run away, but you will don't know that's means to me, because my entire life are you!

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